Thursday, October 20, 2016

10/20/16 Update

***Update 10/20/16


Interesting meeting last Thursday, and congratulations to our 3 new board members, Eric, Chester, and Roseann!  

I have some additional information regarding the Water.  I spoke with Kassy today. She thinks if we did form a Mutual Water Company, we could be eligible for a low interest rate loan of under 2% from State Revolving Water Fund.  In addition, she seems to think we are at a low risk for future legislation affecting our water system; in regards to water balancing (Water Sustainability Act)
She says systems approximately under 1000 connections are in the "White Area", and not required to meet as stringent water balancing requirements.  However some of the main concerns for any permit approval issued to operate a "private" Mutual Water Company" would be that our source capacity meet guidelines, our operations management be in order, sustainability: rates reflect operations and infrastructure needs, plan to meet the meter mandates, and conservation plan.   

Brett responded today that he will get us outstanding debt amount of CSA19

Below are some links from the state water board and info on mutual water companies.  

Here is the link to the information on the available funding.

It will take me a little more time to gather the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act information.  I will forward the information once I am able to determine answers to your questions.


Kassy D. Chauhan, P.E.
Senior Sanitary Engineer – Merced District

From: Ramsden, Bruce@Waterboards
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2016 10:35 AM
Subject: SWRCB DDW Links

David, nice talking with you this morning, and I hope I have answered most of your questions. 

IN the meantime, here are the links to pages we discussed today.

Below, is what I consider our “home” page, and it provides links to various topics we discussed (California Waterworks Standards Regulations) and most likely a lot we did not.

Here is a link to the specific page you were asking me about regarding, “what should a water system prepare for in the future that may impact water quality, monitoring, treatment and NEW regulated contaminates that systems are required to monitor for.”  It is a page about upcoming regulations (from home page to the quick link for Regulations and Statutes, then the link at the bottom, “Upcoming Regulations for Drinking Water and Recycled Water.”

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