Monday, October 10, 2016

Update 10/10/16

Update 10/10/16

I contacted Mr Frazier today, he stated he hasn't heard back from the county attorney yet; regarding the steps to privatization.  He expects to have some information by this Thursday.

Attached are the Rolling Hills Citizens Association's by-laws.  (Click Here)  The articles and amendments appear to look official.  This is a similar type of document one would submit to the SOS to become a registered non-profit.  The association's bylaws makes RHCA appear official; whether actually registered with the State or not.  If it has not been reviewed by an attorney specializing in this area, we should get that done; in addition to legal advice on forming a registered non-profit.

It is my opinion, if we wish to carry on this look-a-like association, we should make it legal.  We should provide Directors & Officers insurance for our board member's "Peace of Mind"; only costs about $600 per year (checking on this).  If we are going act like a board, we should be a real board, and obtain the proper insurance policies to protect it.   Here is a link to an insurance company who specializes in Directors and Officers insurance.   One of the few companies provide coverage for voluntary associations.  The policy is estimated to by around $600 year, however we would have to be at least in the application process of a 501c3 non profit.

In addition, we have the issue of annual dues being only $10 a year.  This is far too low, its just unrealistic.   I propose the dues should be at least $10 month, or $100 if paid early lump sum.  This would actually start to build a fund, in which the board could actually make some improvements to the neighborhood; keep the medians clean, pay for insurances, flyers, websites, initial law consultants etc.  What good is it to have an association with no budget?  The funds and its usage would be posted on the RHCA website and its use would be transparent.

Lastly, thank you to those who have contributed.  Your comments are being read!  In this past week there have been over 1536 page views on the blog.

1 comment:

David Frisby said...

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