Thursday, October 13, 2016

10/13/16 Update

10/13/16 Update

I received some information from Brett and the County Attorney.  It is possible for us to privatize the water system; and Brett believes they would transfer ownership to us for a the $1; after approval by the BOS.  One condition, is that any outstanding debt of CSA 19 would have to be paid off before the transfer.  The annual water revenues ($241,000 currently) would go to our new water district, and we would need to appoint a board to manage that.  There are many issues that need to be considered before we could even attempt to move forward on this, however at least we know there is an option.

Regarding the well negotiations Brett mentioned before.  It is a well Gunner has on 10 and Lanes bridge, its a municipal well, and has never been used.  It is still and few months away before we know if this can be a reality, and we still don't know what the cost would be for this well either.

Please keep in mind tonight's meeting is not primarily about water, its focus will be to figure out the direction and leadership of our citizens association.  Therefore if you want to be involved with board membership, let that be known.

If I am nominated, I will have to respectfully decline under the current structure of the organization.  I would be happy to serve on a water committee and continue helping out to the best of my abilities.

If we were to hold a vote tonight authorizing the use of the Association funds to create a corporation / non profit, and purchase directors and officers insurance (Approx $1500 to form and $650 for annual insurance); I would accept.

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