Sunday, March 5, 2017

Water System Research Volunteers Needed

Rolling Hills Citizens Association is looking for some ANSWERS!
Will you help us find them?
Will you participate in one of these groups?
GROUP 1- Where did our Water District money go?
The Financial Accountability Committee will examine the Water District financial statements Madera County has provided us. We are looking for volunteers with experience reading financial documents who can help us research the financial reports of our water system and discuss the details of the research with County Supervisors and/or their staff.

CONTACT ERIC OLSEN: or 559- 960-4285.       
GROUP 2- What are our Options for Water System Ownership?
The Options Committee will investigate water system ownership options, including privatization, water companies regulated by the PUC, and remaining under Madera County control.  These options will be compared and contrasted, in order to present those findings to the Board and Association members. We are looking for volunteers with experience in any of these areas: online research, phone research, business management, budgeting, or spreadsheets.

Or ROSEANN GALVAN: or 559-906-3696.
GROUP 3- How can we get rid of our Bond Debt?
The Bond Committee will investigate the documents regarding our 2008 improvement bond. We are looking for volunteers who have experience with loans, bonds, or with finance options.  Is the bond assumable? Can we find another way to finance our debt? Are their resources that individuals could use to pay off their share of the debt?  

CONTACT JOHN DAVIES:   559-438-8839.
GROUP 4- How do we get the neighborhood mobilized?
The Organizing Committee will build a network of relationships to communicate with RHCA members across the entire neighborhood and reach out to neighbors who are unaware or uninvolved. We are looking for volunteers who enjoy talking with their neighbors and want to see them involved in solving our water issues.   

We hope to hear from you by March 5th!
That way we can begin working at our March 9th Board Meeting!

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