Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Continued Water Restrictions

On my last post, in early April, we were hearing we would soon get our, 2 days a week, watering allowance; as the Ranchos did.  In that post, I emphasized it would not be for sure, until we all received our letter in the mail from public works.  Apparently, we are not getting off stage 3.5 No outdoor watering, unless on drip.

I periodically inquired into when we would receive this notice, and I kept hearing.  It should be soon, they were in the process of doing some fine tuning or adjustments on well 3 and the Arsenic treatment plant, and as soon as that was done we should get our notice; approximately 2 weeks.

However, today I received news from Frazier’s staff.  They are having trouble getting the Arsenic treatment plant to work properly and the levels are too high to meet state requirements, therefore they cannot put well 3 back online. 

This means we are running our water system on just 1 well (well #2), and now they are panicked, because we had a low water alert on our storage tank, this Monday; we were down to 8 ½ feet of water on the storage tank.  Apparently, they claim that pump 2 is pumping 24/7 and was not keeping up with demand earlier this week.

I personally drove over to the tank this morning, and it appears the tank is full again.  However we are pushing the 1 well and pump we have online, hard; and we need to be aware of that. 

This is very upsettingThere is a breakdown in communication between the people we pay to manage our water system and us.  These are issues that were not revealed, until now.  Once again, when we can’t keep up with demand and are experiencing a problem.  Now they are driving the streets in the morning to see water in the streets and finding people watering their yards.  They want to remind us that we are still on water restrictions, and they are doing everything they can to get water.

Please plan to attend tomorrow night’s Association meeting, to hear more about these issues.  Brett will not be there, due to meetings in Sacramento.   However Ahmad from public works will be there to answer questions.  In addition, we will be sharing committee research information.

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