Sunday, March 5, 2017

Water and Volunteers? Are we still on restrictions?


I am often asked by residents, "what is going on with our water?"  This leads me to believe many of you are wondering the same thing.  Therefore I would like to give you my current viewpoint on the situation, and encourage you to participate in potential solutions.  The Rolling Hills Citizen's Association is now looking for volunteers to participate in one of four committees (see the previous post). Even if you feel you do not have much to contribute, there is a committee you can join to help spread the word to the residents who live next to you. 

Here is my take on our current situation:

Are we going to get off stage 3.5 "No Turf Watering" by this spring or summer?

I do not see that happening, and here's why.  

Basically there are 3 alternatives:  

1) Stay with the county 
2) Privatize 
3) Sell out to a large water corporation.  

At this time we cannot get off restrictions this year with option 1 or 2 (details below), so that leaves option 3 as the avenue which would get us off restrictions the fastest. However many people are leery of selling out to a water corporation, losing so-called control, and most would want that to be fully vetted.  So that means no immediate solutions. Therefore the board is asking for volunteers to help with the vetting and to explore these options; including the county's financial management of our funds, and the water bond debt.  Will you please assist us, and join one of the committees? (previous post, scroll down this page)

Below I give you a more detailed explanation of we we are still in this situation (Water Restrictions):
  1. The State Waterboard and the County will not remove the restriction, until we have a backup water source.  The state regulations say "community water systems, must meet peek water demand during our highest month of demand" WITH IT'S TOP PRODUCING WELL (SOURCE) OFF-LINE. This means that we have to find a backup source of potable water, before getting off restrictions.
  2. The county states that our water system revenue is not high enough to make any capital improvements, (like another well) and we were already granted and emergency loan from the general fund last year to rehab a well and get us back on-line from one well to two. This loan helped us to get off the NO OUTDOOR WATERING (4) to Trees and Bushes only via drip (3.5). This loan is still unpaid, and there will be no more county loans until a rate study is completed and a rate increase is passed on our water system via a 218 election.  If there is no rate increase passed, we will stay on restrictions; furthermore if one of our current wells breaks down we will be back on No OUTDOOR WATERING (4); with no further emergency loans until a rate increase is passed by the voters.
  3. As mentioned at the last association meeting in January, we can not privatize our water system from the county, without paying off the $3.1m bond debt first.  
  4. The Gunner Well...  The gunner well option Brett spoke of at the January meeting is an attempt at negotiating an agreement with Richard Gunner to use that well (existing) as a back up source.  There are 2 issues with this: 1) References were made that if we were to gain access to that well, we may be required to approve the county to sell the system to; the company Gunner is negotiating with to run his wells.  2) Brett informs me that negotiations with Richard Gunner are currently at a stand still.  In my opinion, regardless of getting the Gunner well or not, the county wants either the rate increase, to manage the long-term improvements we need, or to get us over to a water corporation; and release themselves of the burden.  At this juncture, I don't see the majority of us ready to do either. 

Now It's time for all of you who want to help explore solutions, to get involved.  Please contact the board member below who is leading the committee you are best suited for.

Water System Research Volunteers Needed

Rolling Hills Citizens Association is looking for some ANSWERS!
Will you help us find them?
Will you participate in one of these groups?
GROUP 1- Where did our Water District money go?
The Financial Accountability Committee will examine the Water District financial statements Madera County has provided us. We are looking for volunteers with experience reading financial documents who can help us research the financial reports of our water system and discuss the details of the research with County Supervisors and/or their staff.

CONTACT ERIC OLSEN: or 559- 960-4285.       
GROUP 2- What are our Options for Water System Ownership?
The Options Committee will investigate water system ownership options, including privatization, water companies regulated by the PUC, and remaining under Madera County control.  These options will be compared and contrasted, in order to present those findings to the Board and Association members. We are looking for volunteers with experience in any of these areas: online research, phone research, business management, budgeting, or spreadsheets.

Or ROSEANN GALVAN: or 559-906-3696.
GROUP 3- How can we get rid of our Bond Debt?
The Bond Committee will investigate the documents regarding our 2008 improvement bond. We are looking for volunteers who have experience with loans, bonds, or with finance options.  Is the bond assumable? Can we find another way to finance our debt? Are their resources that individuals could use to pay off their share of the debt?  

CONTACT JOHN DAVIES:   559-438-8839.
GROUP 4- How do we get the neighborhood mobilized?
The Organizing Committee will build a network of relationships to communicate with RHCA members across the entire neighborhood and reach out to neighbors who are unaware or uninvolved. We are looking for volunteers who enjoy talking with their neighbors and want to see them involved in solving our water issues.   

We hope to hear from you by March 5th!
That way we can begin working at our March 9th Board Meeting!