Thursday, February 8, 2018

Initial Response to Unofficial Survey

Here is an update of the initial survey; from this small sample size of 47 responses.  The actual vote of 300+ rate payers, could go either way.  What this does show; is that people are pretty decided on either Bakman or Calwater; no responses in favor of American water or the County.

I sent out a survey last night.  This is a very small unofficial sample of approximately 10% of the rate payers (34 responses)  So remember the results, which all the rate payers mail in, could be totally different.  Remember the county ultimately makes the decision; but this will give an indication of how the people who respond to this survey feel.  There is no disputing that; whether we like it or not.

In my opinion, the only thing worse than a bad decision is no decision.  I will update the results later this weekend when more responses come in.

Friday, January 19, 2018


Update 1/15/18

Supervisor Frazier tells me:
The RFP deadline has ended (January 5th) and we ended up with a third company, California American Water, submitting a proposal. Staff is reviewing and scoring the proposals and we should have a recommendation and hearing in February”. 

This means the county will review & discuss the three companies who submitted proposals to the county. (Bakman, Calwater, & American Water)  The county will score and possibly conduct a hearing in February.  The county board of supervisors will ultimately decide if and to who, they may sell the system to, and who they feel is the best candidate.