Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Community Meeting this Thursday Night at 6:30 at the Rolling Hills Fire Station

This Thursday there will be a presentation by Bakman Water Co to explain his proposal.  I will be posting my personal thoughts, on my personal blog, regarding the proposal after the meeting.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Update on 10/11/17

I’ve been getting a lot of inquiries from residents wondering what is going on with the water system; after our majority vote for Calwater on 9/7/17.
Cal Water   120
Bakman Water 43
Madera County   9
Delay the vote    8
Any Private company!  2
After requests from Bakman Water for 30 more days to assess the water system.  Supervisor Frazier agreed he would give Bakman Water 30 days, after our last meeting to submit a proposal. What I have heard is that Bakman has turned in a draft to Supervisor Frazier, but is still finalizing his numbers.  He plans to meet with Frazier and discuss the plan.

This is all the news I have.  We are waiting to see what the plan entails and when the Supervisor plans hold a meeting.  At this time, the only thing we can do is wait and call our supervisor.  He is having a townhall meeting in the Ranchos on Thursday October 26th at 8:30am at the Ranchos Cafe. If you want to ask him in person.