Sunday, August 27, 2017

Save the Date (Sept 7th) for the Water Vote

Save the Date!  September 7th at 6:30pm (stay tuned for more details)

Chester will be sending out more details soon, we are waiting on the finalized agenda from Supervisor Frazier’s office.  However I decided to get this out now, to give a heads up.  There will be a big association meeting on Thursday September 7th at 6:30.  It’s critical that everyone tries to make this meeting; regarding the future of RH Water.  We will hear about our 3 different water options and we will take a vote at the end of the meeting.  This vote is not a binding vote on Madera County.  However, it will be a vote to demonstrate the direction our community residents want our supervisor and the B.O.S. to pursue.  Supervisor Frazier wants to get a strong sense of what direction the community desires.  

At this meeting you will hear about the three options: 
1) Stay with County 
2) Support of County to Sell the System to CalWater 
3) Support of County to Sell the System to Bakman Water and his investment partners

Again, It's Important that you attend!

Overview: Basically all RH residents have the same common goal: (My Opinion)

We want a reliable, stable, and trouble free water system at a fair price.  We want these problems related to water delivery, to be a thing of the past, and we don’t want to hear about the details of why our water system doesn’t work, or that we need to raise more capital to repair or improve our water system.

We want to “Re-Green” our community and increase our property values back to where they should be, if we had a reliable and trouble free water system.  Or at least, a company that we could trust and hold accountable to keep our water system in good order.

We want a company that knows what they are doing, has the capital ready to fix the problems, immediately, when they arise, and we don’t want hear about the details.  We want a company that has their management in order with extensive experience, a good reputation, reliable, and has the financial resources to keep us in water.